The Blended Family
Dear Future Family, This week in class, a topic was brought up that I found very enlightening. It was the topic of the blended family. I am not in a blended family, however, many of my friends and extended family are. I can see how this has effected many of my loved ones and something that, although I have not experienced first hand, is a familiar concept to me. Something that caught my attention was mentioned was the fact that the birth parent should be the one to do all of the “heavy duty” disciplining and the step parents should be the “fantastic aunt or uncle.” I think that this is brilliant because it causes far less conflict. Now, that’s not to say that the step parent should just let kids walk all over them. It also doesn’t mean that if there is a serious issue brought to the by one of the children that they should keep it secret from the birth parent. It simply allows the birth parent to know that their spouse will be helpful but not too tough on their children while the c...