Women and Education

Dear Future Family,
“A young woman’s education should prepare her for more than the responsibilities of motherhood. It should prepare her for the entire period of her life.” – Dallin H. Oaks
While I believe that a woman’s primary responsibility is to her family in the home, I also believe that education is an important tool that she can use to be a greater blessing to her husband, her children, her community, and the world. There is so much wonderful knowledge that can be gained by attending a university in which principles are taught that can be useful in many aspects in life. It is also a wonderful opportunity for one to gain social skills that will not only help the individual, but their children as well as others that they may have the opportunity to interact with.
I am currently attending Brigham Young University-Idaho. It has been a truly incredible experience. I cannot imagine that I would be where I am now without the learning and experiences I have gained by attending this wonderful university. By pursuing an education, I have gained a new-found sense of confidence and I have gained knowledge that I have seen effect many parts of my life in a positive way. While I do not intend to work full-time once I have children, I do value the education that I am gaining. I know that because I am doing my part in learning all that I can, that I will be given the means by which to do the things that I feel are most important, that is, being in my home, raising my children.
I know that there are several things that can prevent this opportunity for many women around the world. I also know that even those who do not have the opportunity or who even choose not to continue their education can be wonderful mothers. The point is not that you must have an education to be a good mother, rather, the point I am trying to make is that for those who can gain a further education could be at a great advantage when the time comes for those things that are most important. My mother attended the same university that I do now and then discontinued her schooling when she married my father.  I could not have imagined having a better mother, but I remember times growing up when she expressed that she wished she had continued with her schooling. Even now, she sometimes brings up that she would like to continue her education.
I am grateful for the opportunity to be a student at a university that supports and encourages women in gaining an education. Education is something that I know will help me to be the kind of wife and mother that I need/want to be someday. This is something that I will teach my children to take seriously and I will strive to help them understand the importance of.



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